you know you're in LOVE when your HEART beats faster for the first time and your EYES flutter uncontrollably..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

oh so fickle..

it's almost October and i have just remembered that i have not reimbursed any holiday trip from my current employer worth $600 hence, i decided to really sit down and discussed it with the Hub, amidst our busy schedules. however, all efforts made to come to a decision, failed! it's annoying.. it's always the case of, are we bringing the girls? oh well, of course dude!! how can i leave my precious gems behind? Imagine them in their swimming gears, swimming? Grrr!!

then it will be.. Bintan or Batam? or what about just a Hotel in JB? like duh? JB? are we running out of ideas or WHAT? Anything further than JB suggested will make him cringed and he will wonder if the girls can stand a 3hr drive to Malacca..

I hate it when people are not confident of themselves.. Somehow by bringing the girls along, chances are I won't enjoy the trip as much as I want to but i'm game, anytime! I just want them with me.. Hm..

It's too difficult a decision.. Hope we make up our mind by December or else, they'll forfeit this benefit of mine :(

Anyhooo.. While browsing the Raya pics, I have to agree that KIDS are the happiest people around :)

Dah macam Pasangan Pengantin 2010! LOLx
So cute lah them..

Raya Mayhem

I still cannot believe that Daniyal is now an elder brother to 2 little girls.. and I cannot believe too that I am a mother of 3 children within 7 years of marriage.. (",)

Aada and Aura are sooo alike but different in many ways too.. It has only been 3 months and I am beginning to see the differences in them and I hope to have a part in witnessing them growing up. I can imagine squabbles among siblings, attention seeking and of course, CRYING and COMPLAINING about each other.. phew! sounds like a lot of work, huh?
Doesn't Daniyal have that contented and proud brother look? He loves telling people that he has
twin girl sisters.. but sad, he has yet to identify them without my help :( never mind, give him some time and i'm sure he'll see their differences in time to come..
and since i'm already blogging at this wee hours, there are some things that i'd like to express in this humble blog of mine.. I hate to wash dirty linen in public because it is as good as 'buka pekong di dada' but still, i have to let it out from my chest lah if not, i feel so the terrible..
i'm not sure too if YOU know the existence of this blog of mine.. but if YOU do, this is what I have to say..
I'm not saying or self-proclaiming that I am good, but I think YOU have blown things out of proportion. It is a norm for people to have some kind of hatred towards other people in life, but I am in the perception that, it's best NOT to be sooo obvious about it and what's more using expletives which I think is soo uncalled for. We are after all, a FAMILY whether you like it or not.. Aunties, Uncles, Cousins etc are normal human beings and as normal human beings, we err but why not we be a gracious human being and learn to forgive and forget? It's easier said than done, I know but what if we all TRY to sit down and talk instead of publishing the unhappiness in a social network site for ALL to see? Is there a NEED to do so? Families don't treat Families that way, unless you do not consider us as your family.. It's sad to see a happy event turned sour. Let's not marred the meaning of Hari Raya.. It's all about togetherness, about learning to forgive and forget and having a new chapter in life.. Let's just move on, okay? *hugs*
I hope it's not too late to wish ALL MY FRIENDS SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MINAL AIDIL WAL FAIZIN.. From Me and My FAMILY, as pictured above.
And, 1 crazy pose from us, THE HISHAMS :0P

Will try to be back with more posts..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


i am always complaining to my mom about how tired i am everyday but when the girls are OFF to sleep, here i am in cyberworld, trying to do as many updates as possible.. and during this fasting month, where i am not required to help mom for lunch and when i find nothing else to do, i tend to switch on the lappy and surf the net until either Daniyal comes home from school or when the girls wake up :) but i guess, my Hub prefers me to idle around at home rather than gallivanting outside and come back with a damaged pocket.. hee hee.. I think if he knows IKEA is gonna be sooo near out house, he would not have opted for Punggol.. wahahaha! (",)

but, when my girls are asleep, i kinda missed them especially now that we can have baby talks and do all the stupid noises and funny faces.. LOL. From the pictures below, one can really feel that they are into a deep sleep.

Aura loves to sleep on her tummy (and everyone else's too) and if she is really tired, she can sleep in this position for hours.. however, i avoided putting her to sleep in this position at night because i don't want to take the risk of her unable to lift up her head.. maybe when she's a bit older and can turn around on her own then, i'll leave her in her comfort zone :)

Aada loves to sleep on the sides BUT she can remain in that position for like, less than 10minutes.. Yep, she's the restless one.. and i think it is also because she can't spread her legs wide open (so, not comfy mahhhh!) hee hee.. so after barely 10minutes she will lie flat on her back, facing up.. :)

If you're wondering WHY they are not in their cots during the daytime, because the cots are now in my room and, i'm starting my work in less than 2 weeks hence, i gotta train them to sleep on these mattress so it's easier for my mom. She does not have to walk to and from my room everytime the girls cry, during the daytime :) so far they are very accomodating.. with legs spread like one chicken wing, it's a sign that they are comfy, wherever they are.. (",) If you must know, i have 2 baby cots, 2 baby swings and 2 mattresses.. I'm amazed my house can fit all these.. and i soooo can't wait for them to grow up so i can give away the baby swings.. they DO take up a LOT of space, hor?! oh, i have 2 strollers too but that, remains in the car boot.. much to Hub's displeasure.. hallo! gotta make space hor? and it's your turn to sacrifice *bluek*
(o_O) Aada's waking up.. MILK TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


You are about to view the pictures of a gorgeous MAID..
haha! that's how i look like when I'm home..
I must be one of a few maids who are very gorgeous..

OK. I spotted triple chin, but who cares?! The girls are catching up cos now they have double chins.. muahaha!
Erm, can you guess who is who?! :P

no, that's not a spooky hair.. that's my sis messy hair.. haha.

told ya, they are irresistable!

counting down..

it almost felt like it was only yesterday that i delivered my twin girls but reality is, it has been 11 weeks and next week, on 1st September 2010, my girls are turning 3months.. time passed real fast!

although i would love to stay home longer and spend more time with the girls and the fact that they now know how to respond to me with the oooohs and aaaaahs and the occassional gaga-gagas, i know work's been waiting for me out there and the company needs me due to some reisgnation along the way. since i had been missing from the workforce since late April due to the my complications in the pregnancy, i think it's only fair that i stick to my initial decision of taking 14 weeks of maternity leave, leaving the 2 more weeks for other times when i desperately need it.

i know i have blogged less these few months but trust me, mothering twins is not an easy task at all. you never know how it is until you face it. i have to admit that the first 4weeks was horrendous, waking up every 2 hours every single night for milk feeds and their cryings that took place at daytime and night time.. i got a culture shocked, no doubt about it. to make things worst, there's Daniyal who craved for every little equal attention we showed to the twins and at times, want to do his 'brother' acts by wanting to carry the twins and simply put them to bed. However, as he is prone to pinch the girls' cheeks (cos they are simply irresistable) we allow him to do his 'brotherly' business only under our watchful eyes, much to his displeasure!

if their 1st month was horrendous, their 2nd month was even worst! at 6weeks they had to be admitted to KKH due to bronchiliotis. little wonder how they got it because both me and mom (the only caregivers in the family) were down with flu and all but we still cared for them despite being unwell and ignored our medication (simply because there were no time to consume them and they caused drowsiness).. i spent 5 nights in KKH, refusing to even leave them and always want to be by their side.. thank god, the nurses at KKH were a helpful lot :) after the hectic 5nights, they were given the green light to be discharged. after that, i was a hygiene freak and would screamed when whoever touches the girls with very dirrrty hands, Daniyal and Hub included!! I don't want my girls (and Daniyal) to be hospitalised again because the experience itself is torturing for both them and me.. :(

things are getting better and improving now. they still ask for more milk now, i guess, its part and parcel of growing up :) but now that they are very responsive, it's very FUN to chat with them.. especially when you put the both of them together and it's funny how they both take turns to reply to our rantings.. (",) the best part was, watching them swim.. especially Aada who loves to swim but refused to share the tub with Aura.. tsk..tsk..

this Ramadhan (fasting month) has been very challenging for me especially during the daytime where i need to bathe not 1 but 2 of them, feed not 1 but 2 babies, put not 1 but 2 of them to sleep.. prepare not 1 but 3 of them for Hari Raya.. hur hur!

my life is tumultous at the moment, but it's sure is getting better.. (",)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A "Quickie"

How do you like these?
Very Much, I must say =)

Lurve them to Bits!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Turning 30!

This is going to be an emotional entry for me as I'm leaving the Number 2 to a Number 3 in front to represent my age.. yes, my age.. :( Not that I'm not welcoming it OR i'm in a state of denial BUT looking back, I do have some things which I have yet to achieve while in my 20s (except getting myself a husband and 3 beautiful and fantastic children) and I wonder if I ever have the opportunity to achieve them while I'm in my 30s.. Hm..

'things' I've 'achieved' before I turned 30.

1. At 5 years old, I can READ.. very very well.. haha! *clap,clap*
2. I scored a Perfect 100/100 for all 3 subjects in Pri.1. *clap,clap* This, despite the fact that I never attended Nursery, K1 or K2. So, you see, I don't have a pre-school "Graduation" picture.. Sad, right? It's okay, I've gotten over it.. It has been like, 24 years..? :P
3. I was selected as a School Prefect when I was in Pri.5.. *clap,clap* eh.. dulu Prefect is a BIG achievement ok.. bukan senang nak jadi "bookie" as young as 11 years old.. budak2 dtg lambat kena booked, running in the canteen also kena booked, swearing vulgarities lagi kena booked.. so happy jadi Prefect book2 org.. haha! (now that I think back, I tak suka you jadi Prefect, cos I looked soooo nerdy..bah!)
4. I passed my PSLE with 'flying colours'.. *clap,clap* (wah.. masuk Sec 1, I mcm dah step kakak2 gitu lor..)
5. In 1996, I did very well for my GCE N Level... & for the first time in Secondary Sch, I passed my Mathematics.. *clap,clap* (big deal to me hokay, Maths and Me..? *rolled eyes*).
6. Received "Best in Malay Language" for GCE O Levels (for the record, A1 + Distinction in Oral) ehem ehem *clap,clap* yg lain2, jgn tanya eh.. results boleh campak kat longkang besar sebelah sekolah.. I'm no booksmart lah people.. :P
7. Visiting Brisbane, Australia in 2001.. My virgin trip (to negeri mat salleh).. using my OWN $$$, so achievement lah tu.. *clap,clap*
8. I dapat masuk SATS *clap,clap* - why is this an achievement... read on..
9. (from point number 8) I met my husband lah.. (",) erm.. no he's NOT THE achievement.. THE achievement is.. I met him, I gotta know him and I married him.. so the achievement here IS, I GOT MARRIED!! *standing ovation, clap,clap*
10. Another virgin trip to.... EUROPE! which was actually my Dreams to go to Switzerland and Paris and my HUB achieved it for me.. (which indirectly is my achievement.. I married him, remember?) *clap,clap*
11. My first Newborn (couples that tried hard and finally struck the jackpot will understand why getting pregnant finally is an achievement) that arrived 1.5years after I got married and countless 'questionings' from "people".. *clap,clap* before that, "their" favourite word was, Bila? Bila? Bila? I bleh jadi GILA!
12. Despite all the negativities, I brought Daniyal to Amsterdam and London at 8months old and survived the gruelling 13hour plane ride with him.. achievement, no?! still it IS an achievement to me.. (wa punya blog, wa punya sukalah) *clap,clap*
13. Dapat 5-room flat HDB @ Punggol.. finally, a HOME i called MY OWN *clap,clap*
14. Driving License (after like a longggggg time and after ditching that unprofessional instructor for another driving instructor, who was waaaayyyyy "cuter") *clap,clap*
15. the arrival of the TWIN girls.. My hub asked for A girl, i lagi power, I gave him 2.. so it is an achievement, hokay?! *clap,clap*

Enough lah eh with the achievements.. (",)
So, i'm officially 30.. Do I look like I care?!

Friday, June 25, 2010

thought that counts..

ooh, how i 'hate' confinement.. LOL! I guessed Mom must have understood how i felt so she loosen up a bit after I told her that Hub's not able to spend quality time with us on my birthday.. and the fact that school reopens next week and I have yet to spend it with Daniyal.. So, we left the girls behind with Mom, of course and went down to Orchard.. :)

For Daniyal, it was a Toy Story 3 treat.. wanted to do a 3D but too bad, the showtime for that was quite late in the evening, so we settled for the norm.. Daniyal was enjoying himself laughing at the characters.. =)

Almost everyone who saw Daniyal now claimed that he has put on a lot of weight. Just look at his round face and chubby cheeks. If you are lucky, you can even spot his double chin.. LOL! I guess with the arrival of his lil sisters, it kinda made him a proud brother and therefore, he showed his happiness, through FOOD.. yeah FOOD! Give him anything now, he'd gladly walloped everything up.. haha.. but i guess, he's growing up and putting on weight is just part and parcel of growing up.. :P

See? You can put anything in his mouth and he'll chomp everything down.. in no time! Wakaka!

Now, that's the HAPPY ME! Happy to be OUT! Hahaha.

Thanks, Hub. Although it was nothing special or 'out-of-the-world' celebration, but it's the thought that counts =)

The last thing I wanna do is to pose and take pictures at Orchard Rd.. I hate the onlookers who will look at you whenever u try to strike a pose.. but since the lil cameraman requested, i have to oblige.. who will pose for him to take pictures, if not me, his mom? hur hur hur..

One and only picture that turned out 'okayish'.. the rest were blurred.. aiyah Daniyal! I made myself so thick skinned and your skills have to be half past six?? duh!